Oh yeah! It’s TIME for another episode of STAB! Yeah it is. Because a show like STAB! can’t be stopped, not by Tito Santana, not by Ricky Steamboat, not by Hulk Hogan. No, no it can’TA. ‘LIZABETH! Yeah! On this top rope episode of STAB! Intercontinental host John Ross raps with Joe-Joe Louis, Nick Brunner …
Tag Archive: Randy Savage
Jun 03
STAB! 030 – Coffee Chat
Listen intently why don’t you (like you’re John Ross his own self), as STAB! guests Johnny Taylor, Stephen Ferris and Jesse Jones calmly discuss such important topics as Johnny Taylor’s character work, Levi’s jeans, HIV, dish network dishes, Delorean theft, the death of all things R, the top 15 Google searches of Google, underwater hip-hop, …