STAB! is a good show about not good things writ by terrible people. Don’t believe me? You will. RIght here now, STAB! host John Ross asks guests Joe-Joe Louis, Jaclyn Weiand and Jesse Jones how they feel about stuff like the Monroe Doctrine, Def Leppard’s Rick Savage, Vietnam, Erik Everhard, Gillette, Desi Arnaz, the top …
Tag Archive: Star Wars
May 18
STAB! 028 – Hazelnut Nuts is What’s Up
In this episode of STAB!, Jesse Jones listens intently while guest hosting Alfonso Portella, Evan Nyarady and Ben Rice, who explain the finer points of Annie Oakley, unacceptable conduct in a Buffalo Wild Wings, hunting cloned puppies, the fun of learning, the gods interseeding in the affairs of Northwestern Washington Math Rock, Kelly Clarkson being …
Feb 23
STAB! 016 – Best of STAB! Volume 3 – Poetry Robot
So much Best, we (apparently) needed three episodes to contain it all! Comedians Johnny Taylor, Jon Gomora, Jordan Gannon and Jesse Jones “Best Of” at host John Ross about Princess Diana, one’s first yoga pants experience, white privilege, the importance of proper context, Tamagotchi, OPP, Ku Klux Knitting, The Polite Township of Proper Etiquette and …