

Mar 03

STAB! 017 – Lotrimin

Wishes are real, but you only get the one and you just used it on this episode of STAB! so I’m sorry/you’re welcome! In this be-wished edition of STAB!, Ngaio Bellum, Jon Gomora, Luke Soin and Jesse Jones discuss: 1-way streets, Ulysses S. Grant, Ts Madison, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull references, Soap Opera twists and turns, wife cheat codes, sexy algae suckers, infinite copulation with infinity, weed names really helping their legitimacy, Zooey Deschanel, Caring Uncompromising Nurturing Triumphant women, #BlackExcellence, domestic abuse poetry, Rhino Google searches and the burgeoning cities of No-Such-Thing-As-Weed-Ville, The-Town-Where-Trader-Joe-Was-Raised, Tiki-Babrber-opolis and Pantera-ton. Now, you might want to hand John a fiver or something because he’s just going to stand there making it awkward for everyone until you do.

STAB! 017 - Lotrimin

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