

Apr 28

STAB! 025 – Underground Karate Tournament

Led by twelve star Admiral General John Ross, the elite fighting force of Chris Emery, Jordan Gannon, Jesse Jones and Corky McDonnell are dishing out justice via stories of Coca-Cola filled fat suit metaphors, the Yuba Sutter Sunday Cycle Social, our lord and savior Jesus Christ, the futility of war and game shows, Walmart style child rearing, sinister vagina, tentative Christian rap rock, velocipedes, “Rizzyvippers”, not too soon Flight 9525 Google searches, romantic silent comedy, Pixar’s heart wrenching tale of the death of the postal service, tasteful peenitration, sure, starchy action adventure, Jordan’s irate “patrents”, show pony appendages, and daughter raising emotion. Rated PG-13 for awesome kicks and sweet judo throws it’s Underground Karate Tournament!

STAB! 025 - Underground Karate Tournament

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