

Aug 18

STAB! 039 – Bringin’ the Tears

John Ross leads this soul cleansing episode of STAB! with such renown crybabies as Cheryl Anderson, Stephen Ferris and Jesse Jones, who babble on about things like Marilyn Monroe’s death, the invention of the traffic light, anglo landscapers, Samantha Sang, Harry Houdini, American Bandstand, Chick Hearn, Japanese pop culture crazes, several different IQs, Cecil the Lion haiku, vows to assholes such as parking enforcement officers, Judas Iscariot & that guy that cut you off earlier, and the synopsies of such made up movies as “Jerry and the Killer Curl”, “Beat that Child!” and “You Don’t Say”.

STAB! 039 - Bringin’ the Tears

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