In this beloved episode of STAB!, lover of many: John Ross, lovingly hosts the lovely Danielle Mandella, STAB! Champion Alfonso Portela and unlovable Jesse Jones as they discuss such topics as National Aviation Day, Fat Joe, Hoodie Allen, Bill Clinton’s surprising birth, the Battle of Blue Licks, Coco Chanel, three different TWAs, teen/pre-teen Oxycontin Haiku, erotic poems about the letter Z, tonsillitis & Pop Culture! and vows to assholes such as the entire group of GOP presidential candidates, fracking, and that cat that bites too hard when you’re just fuckin’ playing around!
Aug 31
STAB! 041 – Mr. Whisker Face
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Tags: Alfonso Portela, American Revolutionary War, Bill Clinton, bite, Blue Licks, British, cat, Coco Chanel, Danielle Mandella, Donald Trump, erotic, Fat Joe, FDA, fracking, French, GOP, Haiku, Hillary Clinton, Hoodie Allen, Jesse Jones, John Ross, National Aviation Day, Oxycontin, playing, poem, pop culture, President of the United States, presidential candidates, rapper, STAB!, tonsillitis, TWA, z