They’re everywhere! Look, over there, those are things. You can’t open your eyes without seeing them or swing one thing without hitting another one! In this very focused episode of STAB!, Jesse Jones pulls guest hosting duty for guests Nick Magavern, Ray Molina and Jack Brown as they share their three different takes on HOST, …
Speaker Archive: Ray Molina
STAB! 153 – Get Dat Money
You want them stacks a listeners all slobberin’ down your podcast stats? Well we got the secrets ta how ta get dem listeners! Come on out to our seminar and we’ll teach you the secret to obscure, audience alienating nonsense: the STAB! way! In this free episode of STAB! hosted by John Morris Ross IV …
Feb 26
STAB! 121 – Like A Coldplay Concert
STAB! and Coldplay have more in common than it might initially seem on the surface. Both STAB! and Coldplay are mainly enjoyed aurally. Both STAB! and Coldplay perform live. I mean, the list goes on and on. Join host John Ross as he leads Ray Molina, Jaime Fernandez & Jesse Jones through this Coldplay like …
Jan 22
STAB! 116 – Year Two of Year One
Everything you understood about lineal existence can eat one… TWO TIMES! You didn’t like the last year? Well turns out, that was only the first half! So buckle up buttercup! STAB! host man John Ross asks guests Ray Molina, Jason B and Jesse Jones to thumb screams mind thoughts about twelve New Year’s resolutions from …