You love Steven Tyler. You love tiny pizzas. We love to ruin the things that you love. You’ll never be able to hear your favorite band or eat your favorite food the same way ever again. Deal with it!
In this edition of STAB!, John Ross leads the ruiners (Bill Wallis, Chris Emery and Jesse Jones) in discussion about Federal railroad safety features, Italian locomotive tunnel suffocation, Ben Roethlisberger, slave importation bans, Eddie “Lockjaw” Davis, the Latin Walk of Fame, nine haiku about proposed legalization of Swedish incest and necrophilia, a trio of varied takes on DUMB, the dating profiles of a really bad heart surgeon, the season of Autumn & a middle school bully, and erotic poems about Hillary Clinton’s vagina, Bagel Bites & plate tectonics.
What else do you love? Guns ‘n Roses and Lunchables? Coldplay and Hot Pockets? Well get ready to never be able to look at them the same way someday when STAB! finds a way to ruin those too! It’s who we are!