Yeah, now you can’t think of anything BUT the sound of a squirrel after a lung full of helium. If singing chipmunks are anything to go by, that voice is going to be insane. A squirrel on helium, what will STAB! think of next?
Well, in this episode of STAB!, host John Ross thinks to talk to Luke Soin, Ben Rice and Jesse Jones about the Franks’ Louis the 5th, Coldplay’s Chris Martin, Jon Bon Jovi (and Bonjoviville (again)), male suffrage, Pope Benedict exonerating the Jews, the CD player, fifteen Tootsie Pop Mr. Owl Google Searches, three different HVCs, touching vows to landlords you owe back rent too, the American political process & a catchy radio jingle, and tourism board guides for Comic-books-don’t-exist-adephia, Microbrew-a-tuckett & A Field.
A Squirrel on Helium, brought to you by Barley & Me, available wherever fine podcasts are sold. Barley & Me and Benjamin Rice, they go together like squirrels and helium! Which is to say, good?