Trains: they’re insane. Proven rock fact. They’re not to be trusted with anything more important than a light switch, and even then, not without supervision.
In this episode of STAB!, John Ross (host) discusses a wide range of topics with Land Smith-Abbinante (guest), Aviva Seigal (lady guest) and Jesse Jones (mostly pest) including Stevie Wonder, hail death, Arthritis Care Awareness Month, harmonicist: Magic Dick, dismembered bodies, the Rolling Stones, a trio of takes on F.U.*.K., where the asterisk is not surprisingly: C, nine haiku about the breakup of Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, the tourism guides for The City of White People Problems, Part Time-a-topia, & Silly-Jokes-il-vania, and the dating profiles of the combined spirit of David Bowie & Prince, the guy who wants to be the Pop-Tart mascot, and a spelling bee champion.
If you or anyone you know sees a locomotive with insane rationale, you are urged to call our tip line at 1-866-CHOO-CHOO. Your tips will always be kept anonymous.