All rules are merely suggestions, followed for fear of retribution by SKANDERBEG! There is no blue, we all only agree that we see it because SKANDERBEG said he did, and we know better than to question SKANDERBEG!
John Ross, host of STAB! and vessel of SKANDERBEG asks guests Daniel Humbarger, Trip Hazard and Jesse Jones for their three reorganizations of the acronym DAFUQ, nine haiku about viagra fueled airport poop rage, their thoughts on other topics such as Dennis Rodman, King Alfred the Great, Edward the Elder, Kid Rock, President Marcos, Skanderbeg, slam poems about gardening, women’s figure skating, men’s rights, and tourism guides for Shi Thole Country, Bish-please-ington, and Hey-Wha-dat-ovah-der-Town.
All happiness is from SKANDERBEG! All despair, also SKANDERBEG! Bemusement? SKANDERBEG! Now go, do as you imagine SKANDERBEG would command.