Thank you for choosing to visit STAB! Please, if you would like to share your memories of your visit to STAB!, do — after reading the detailed rules of engagement — do so.
Strictly enforcing the rules of STAB!, host John Morris Ross IV welcomes stoic travelers Shahera Hyatt, Greg Sabin, Christy Farley and Jesse Jones to share, in the Memory Journal, twelve haiku about an armless Miami stabber, four takes on O.H.H.H., their various thoughts on the Hollywood Sign, Raúl Spank, a knee attack on Nancy Kerrigan, P. T. Barnum, Jean-Paul Marat, Julius Caesar, Sting, George H. W. Bush, the tourism guides for Spoiler-Alert-ing-ton, Squirt-opia Harbor, Gossip-opolis, & Mt. Embarrassment, and wedding vows to Sidewalk Cyclists, that bag of chips that’s too hard to open, but explodes all over your lap once it does open, Facebook, & that person who won’t let you out of a conversation, when you’re in a hurry.
We hope that you choose to return to STAB! someday, and perhaps read again about your previous visit, and compare the two. You just might be surprised how similar or very different they were.