State Capital comedy guys Joe Michael Russ VI and Jerry James have finally opened their own super legit and respectable comedyesque venue SCAB! Comedy Theater!
In this strike busting episode of STAB!, John Morris Ross IV welcomes Joe-Joe Louis, Alyssa Cowan, Chad Bogard and Jesse Jones share their four takes on SCAB, twelve Google searches from Satan, their thoughts on John Addams, Vietnam, Sigma Phi Epsilon, National Brush Day, veganism, the MPAA, National Geographic Magazine, & Larry Flint, the synopsis of made-up movies “Homeless Hair Jar”, “Jumpy Geese”, “Miniature Drug Doctor”, & “The Dusty Digest Boys”, and erotic poems about guitars, impeachment, space heaters, & the 49ers.
Come on out every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to SCAB! Comedy Theater for the best serious dramatic readings, freeform jazz and painting date night party things. You know the thing. That’s so SCAB!