Welcome to the STAB! show, don’t check your shoes, that’s just how it is around here. In this fragrant edition of the program, pungent host Jesse Jones welcomes a fresh as a daisy panel including Bill Wallis, Honcho McDucket and Jaclyn Weiand to share their three stanky takes on BATFE, pick-up lines to and from a haunted house, Honcho’s Amazon Wishlist, & Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, craigslist ads for a couple storage tubs of old Wizard crap, a macaroni art gallery, & eternal youth, dating profiles for a duffle bag full of old muscle car magazines, the final boss in an RPG, & a Cabbage Patch Adult, and rundowns for new Fall TV series “Alcoholic Raw Stars”, “The Horrible Bionic People”, & “Glamour & Gladiators”.