In this big, burly, oiled up episode of the STAB! show, your ticket to the gun show and host Jesse Jones welcomes a pectacular panel of Marco Cabodi, Milk Surface & Melony Ford to share their three different CUWTAs, their bootlegs of Star Trek, The Office, & Nerf, campaign speeches from a box of store brand mac & cheese running for a position on an office’s potluck, a jar of pennies running for mayor of a cool bachelor uncle’s single wide, & a Hot Topic gift card running for a position in a 24 year old’s chain wallet, dating profiles for Metal, anxiety, & a can of SPAM, and pitches for small businesses including a black light poster salesman in the town of Strict-Dadsylvania, obstacle course mud runs strictly targeted towards germaphobes, & a charity raffle organizer in a town entirely populated by members of Gambler’s Anonymous.