In this explosive episode of the STAB! show, splatter art enthusiast and host Jesse Jones welcomes a pained and strained panel of Christy Farley, David Coleman & Melony Ford to share their thoughts on FOOMCL, nine 2022 Winter Olympic haiku, craigslist postings for optimism, non-stretchy Yoga pants, & ten seconds of total invincibility, reviews of things, including a Travelocity review of a Guilt Trip, an Amazon review of Phobias, & a Yelp review of a new burger restaurant run entirely be scorpions, and the synopsis of Made-Up movies “Hats For Kenny”, “Frogs 4: Frogmageddon”, & “Shirtless in Connecticut”.
Jul 08
STAB! 306 – Grippin’ The Towel Rack
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