In this paradigm shifting episode of the STAB! show, apparent salsa eater and host Jesse Jones welcomes a thick, chunky, robust panel of Frankie Lord, Johnny Taylor, & Eric Barger to share their three FIRNs, new greeting cards including a Condolences on your slow transformation into a Zombie card, Happy “You Peaked Five Years Ago But Didn’t Know It” card, & Good Luck on that Drug Test card, campaign speeches for two five dollar bills running for President of Grandma’s birthday cards, a length of Hot Wheels track running for Sheriff of a shitty father’s Disciplinary Tools, & a side of marinara running for a spot on the Taco Bell menu, descriptions of new drugs, Lavender Butterfly Wing Kisses, Blankity Blanks, & Rylonxitrox, and business pitches for a Baby Gap in the world of the movie Children of Men, selling Jellyfish to Smucker’s, & selling smart appliances that shouldn’t be smart.