

Oct 08

STAB! 396 – Used By Many, Belonging To No One

In this giving, caring, but ultimately lonely episode of the STAB! show, previously hurt host Jesse Jones welcomes a freshly wiped down panel of Dayna Bryant, Luke Soin & Kim Martel to share their three CGAs, new STAB!tionary words Kivjoom, Gorefyl, & Muzldud, craigslist postings for a dump truck full of self help books, a treasure map to Luke’s bedroom, & eight, continuous, uninterrupted hours of sleep, descriptions of new drugs Wacky Panic, Perf Maculates, & Flavoribin, and descriptions of fights between a small yappy dog in a baby carriage with the confidence of an old white man vs. a recycling bin full of dirty diapers brought to life by the pure innocence of a little girl’s first elementary school love note, a planet killer classified meteor on a collision course with Earth vs. The Pluck and Indomitable Spirit of a group of otherwise unqualified people tasked with saving humanity, & a family of 5 going out to their first sit down restaurant meal in years as a way for the parents to try to save the relationship vs. a table full of shit head teens seated directly behind them.

STAB! 396 - Used By Many, Belonging To No One

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