In this belligerent but compelling episode of the STAB! show, host and cup looking guy Jesse Jones welcomes a warped and stained panel of Jeff Brown, Frankie Lord & Molly Doan to share their three FLOATERs, new Greeting Cards for “Sorry, but everyone totally saw that”, “So you’re pretty sure you didn’t mutter under your breath enough and you’re pretty sure your boss heard what you said” & “Happy ‘That’s Finally Over’ Day”, campaign speeches for a leftover crock pot full of non-winning Chili Cook-Off chili returning home to the fridge and running for Sheriff based on lies about your competition accomplishments, a crumpled up Ulta receipt running for a position on the shrine for a guy’s ex, & a microwave warped tupperware lid without a matching container, forgotten in the back of a drawer, assembling a kitchen shadow government, descriptions of new drugs Glib Dutchess, Poncho Weather & Cridoxilyn, and descriptions of fights between the animals in a six year old’s crayon drawing brought to life vs. the monsters from a bad trip hallucination come to life, an ice chest full of cold, delicious adult beverages vs. a bunch of fucking light weights, & a car full of frustrated dudes after a night at the bars fueled by Jack In The Box Late Night Munchie Meals vs. a group of stoners fueled by the Taco Bell 4th Meal vs. a group of theater kids hopped up on Denny’s $2-4-6-8-10 menu.