

Sep 26

Succotash Show Shares STAB! S words! SWORDS!

Who loves things that start with “S”? Most popular Kryptonians love the shit out of it! It’s on all their shirts! And of course you, STAB! fans. And then there’s also the Succotash Show.

Over at the Succotash Show (“The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast” as they’re now known, taking the “pod” out of the podcast and sticking it to the rotting, festering corpse of Daddy Jobs!), these proud owners of two “S”s themselves, shared a clip from STAB! which we generously provided them for the sole purpose of sharing! Things work pretty well when you do them.

the Succotash Show

Like the previously mentioned Whisky & Cigs the Succotash Show is a podcast which largely features clips, reviews of other podcasts and interviews with interesting podcasting type folk. Except nothing like that because as I mentioned, they don’t fuck with podcasts, they’re in the business of soundcasts! Sound weird? Fuck your ear prejudices! “Podcast” sounded weird the first time you heard it too. Jump aboard the “Soundcast” train! Get in on the ground floor of the movement. Then YOU TOO can say you were calling them soundcasts way the fuck before the late adapting poseurs that you’ll automatically be better than!

If ya wanna hear the specific show STAB! appeared on, you can find it here. Or if you want to let the Succotash Show be your spirit guide through the world of comedy soundcasts, just check out their website to keep up to date with all things soundy and casty.

Be sure to get your comedy roughage with Succotash Show!

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