It’s been said that every episode of STAB! Is a “Best of” episode. By whom? Let’s not get into all who’s and what’s that right now, huh? Let’s just say it’s been said. What’s even more true than that already super true statement though, is that this is the Best of “Write a Poem About …
Tag Archive: Nutella
May 18
STAB! 028 – Hazelnut Nuts is What’s Up
In this episode of STAB!, Jesse Jones listens intently while guest hosting Alfonso Portella, Evan Nyarady and Ben Rice, who explain the finer points of Annie Oakley, unacceptable conduct in a Buffalo Wild Wings, hunting cloned puppies, the fun of learning, the gods interseeding in the affairs of Northwestern Washington Math Rock, Kelly Clarkson being …
Mar 15
STAB! 019 – “A Seventeen Syllable Sentence” or “Haiku Dispute”
In this STAB! session, guys named Jesse Fernandez, D.J. Sandhu and Tyler Kinney say at John Ross things about NYC lady smoking, Run DMC, pardoning Canadian draft dodgers, Detlef Schremp, a 4300 kilo coke boat, Christian Dior, Charlie Hebdo’s top Google searches, Oprah’s Ideal Tatas, Rabbit Pope Haiku fury, horrible poems about Nancy Kerrigan, racist …