Word hater John Ross guides this Best of “Reorganization” Volume 1 with fancy word STAB!bers Tyler Kinney, Jordan Gannon, Bill Wallis, Josh Kinkade, Coreen Lemcke, Alfonso Portela, Stephen Ferris, Nick Pettigrew, Ben Rice, Jaclyn Weiand and Jesse Jones teaching words to stay in their respective lanes.
Tag Archive: SWAK
Feb 23
STAB! 016 – Best of STAB! Volume 3 – Poetry Robot
So much Best, we (apparently) needed three episodes to contain it all! Comedians Johnny Taylor, Jon Gomora, Jordan Gannon and Jesse Jones “Best Of” at host John Ross about Princess Diana, one’s first yoga pants experience, white privilege, the importance of proper context, Tamagotchi, OPP, Ku Klux Knitting, The Polite Township of Proper Etiquette and …
Feb 17
STAB! 014 – Best of STAB! Volume 1 – I Can Hazmat Suit?
It’s our own PERSONAL “Celebration Time”! In honour (the extra “u” is for extra class) of our two year STABiversary, please enjoy the first in our series of “Best of” shows! Ben Rice, Stephen Ferris and Jesse Jones help celebrate STAB!’s cotton anniversary with host John Ross and their thoughts on corporal punishment, the World …