STAB! is a great idea. STAB! has lots of other great ideas within’ it. Listening to STAB! was a great idea that YOU had. Congratulations. Hear as John Morris Ross IV hears Bill Wallis, Edgar Granados, Jesse Jones discuss revisionist cook booking, left turns, Bovine Cantata B Flat Major, the sad passing of a righteous turtle, the main joke being a lot of Scientology jargon, a 40-year-old SNL’s Google search history, various different MMAs, the latest installment in the Crocodile Dundee franchise, male ponytails, gypsy curse body switching teen sex comedies, Cosby laced Jell-o shots, fragrant baggy pants, ill advised Michael McDonald impressions, drowned celebrities, Condescending Therapist-ville, for whatever it’s worth, and the land of procrastination that IS JesseJonesOpolis.