

Apr 23

STAB! 173 – Breathing While Stationary

*gasp* Hey, *huff* guys. How’s *wheeze* how’s it goin’ guys? You wanna *cough* listen to some f-*wheeze* funny podcast comedy, *gasp* stuff? *cough* *huff* *wheeze* Cool…

In this huffin’ puffin’ episode of STAB!, minty fresh host John Morris Ross IV welcomes raspy guests Nick Magavern, Jeff Brown, Court Hansen and Jesse Jones share their four different takes on DOGS#!T, twelve Google searches from Joe Biden, their thoughts on National Flash Drive Day, fire code improvements, the Presidential Veto, Yevgeny Gavrilenko, National Read a Road Map Day, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, the American Birth Control League, Kurt Cobain, battle rap verses on John’s Ex-Wife, Teddy Ruxpin, Gummy Bears, and Frosty the Snowman, & the tourism guides for Beep-Boop-atopia, Bang-ville, Butter-vania, and Mmmm-ton.

So, *gasp* that was fun, *wheeze* right? I’m just gonna, *cough* sit down for a second, *wheeze* and try to treat myself with a cycle of, *cough* Cheetos and *wheeze* Code Red.

STAB! 173 - Breathing While Stationary

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