

Jul 10

STAB! 225 – Life-Size Potato Statues

In this firm, dimply episode of STAB! From the May STAB!athon fund drive, John Morris Ross IV drives at guests Aviva Siegel, David Coleman and Jesse Jones for their FUNd thoughts about their three different CANCELs, nine Google searches from single people in 2020, their feelings about King Sigismond of Burgundy, Spongebob Squarepants, postage stamps, Fidel Castro, the 8 hour work day, George Mallory, the Scofield Mine disaster, & the Polio Vaccine, descriptions of new toys: Fat Sand, The Memory Umbrella, & Bee Ducks, and erotic poems about talk radio, archery, & Barber Shop Quartets.

STAB! 225 - Life-Size Potato Statues

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