

Jan 25

STAB! 062 – The Invasion of the Million Swimmer Swarm

The onslaught is devastating, unrelenting. The invaders are single minded and purpose driven. Nothing can stop their sudden, violent invading spurt, not even a band of brave wizards armed with cotton…

STAB!’s noble John Ross hosts brave Zach Coles, wise Josh Kinkade and adequate Jesse Jones, as they share tales of bank robber Herman Lamb, Buddy Clinton, the General Theory of Relativity, Thailand Sports Day, the deaths of Lillian and Roy E. Disney, nine haiku on Barbara Walters creepily hitting on Bradley Cooper, a trio of FTWs, the tourism guides to made-up cities, War-On-Christmas-opolis, Fear-Of-Commitment-atopia & The State of Emergency and vows to assholes, inconsiderate last takers, a four year old boy who hasn’t been taught boundaries by their shitty parents & a petty contrarian.

Now all there is left to do is wait. Wait and pray. Usually the time of the goblins is cursed, but if the goblins return on schedule this time, they will be met as a blessing. Once again surviving the plague of the Invasion of the Million Swimmer Swarm.

STAB! 062 - The Invasion of the Million Swimmer Swarm

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