It’s a Summertime feel here in this edition of STAB! as your be-short shorted and bean stained host Jesse Jones welcomes the sun kissed panel of Rhoda Ramone, Jason Whitesel and Melony Ford to share their three OOAKs, pick-up lines to and from a parking garage, jorts, & Easter candy, reviews, including a Travelocity review of genitals, an Angie’s List review of Jason’s cooking skills, & a social media influencer’s review of Oxygen, angry poems about skinny jeans, pork and beans, & 80s movie college deans, and the tourism guides of Restro-lahoma, Splodey-ville, & Um-I-Don’t-Own-A-TV-sburgh.
May 06
STAB! 260 – Pork & Beans and Cut Off Jeans
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