Tag Archive: pick-up lines

Jul 10

STAB! 389 – I’ll Take Your Loads

In this downy soft episode of the STAB! show snuggle bear of a host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of big heaving sacks, Coreen Lemcke, Ben Warheit, & Jack Marie to share their three takes on AAAR, pick-up lines to and from sharing, a short order cook, & a timid penis, campaign speeches from a …

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May 31

STAB! 384 – Gifteder and Talenteder

In this highly special episode of the STAB! show, bright and imaginative host Jesse Jones welcomes an EXTREMELY promising panel of Joe-Joe Louis, Ben Rice & Kim Martel to share their three(ish) takes on WADR, pick-up lines to and from gate keeping, a yappy little dog, & apartment living, closing arguments in defense of a …

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Apr 29

STAB! 382 – Building Skin Tolerance

In this super tough episode of the STAB! show, bubbling host Jesse Jones welcomes weirdly specifically toned guests Marco Cabodi, Steven Boyd & Eric Barger to share their three takes on OASIS, pick-up lines to and from an old issue of the TV Guide, a microwave spaghetti stained and blistered piece of tupperware, & face …

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Jan 08

STAB! 381 – A STAB! Family Year End Special, 2023

It’s our favorite time of the year! STAB! Family Year End Blowout ExSTAB!raganza Special time! And this year host Jesse Jones welcomes a jam packed STAB! Theater full of producers and STAB! show favorites including, Paul Doyle, Buddy, Jeff Brown, Ben Warheit, Jordan Quattlebaum, Daniel Kessenich, Jack Marie, Alex Shewmaker, Milk Surface, Dayna Bryant, Eric …

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Dec 22

STAB! 379 – One Hundred And Three Babes

In this luscious episode of the STAB! show, chick magnet and host Jesse Jones welcomes a ladyless panel of David Shapiro & Jeff Brown to share their two random reorganizations, (in this case XYZ & BBB), pick-up lines to and from a half eaten deer carcass, & Q-words, craigslist posting for a box of “Old …

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Dec 15

STAB! 377 – Zing, Bitch!

In this onomatopoetic episode of the STAB! Show, flat, smooth host Jesse Jones welcomes a still, glassy panel of Mikhail Chernyavsky, Parker Newman & Tyler Kinney to share their three takes on NAVSUPMAN, pick-up lines to and from a drawer full of fat clothes, an answering machine, & a really good skipping rock, craigslist postings …

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Dec 08

STAB! 374 – An Akira Type Situation

In this dystopian episode of the STAB! show, supernatural host Jesse Jones welcomes a flesh mound panel of Nicole Eichenberg, Leo Antolin & Sean Crandall to share their three HSTs, pick-up lines to or from the clearance aisle at Michael’s, a guy who always launches snot rockets, & protoplasm, recipes for vacation that’s more trouble …

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Dec 04

STAB! 372 – Did The Recipe Change, Or Did You?

In this numb, cold episode of the STAB! show, person of growth and host Jesse Jones welcomes a familiar, but different panel of Frankie Lord, Kameron Schmid & Nick Pettigrew to share their three VFDs, Halloween pick-up lines to and from slasher movies, plastic vampire teeth, & an amateur haunted house, breakfast cereals branded around …

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Nov 20

STAB! 366 – The Saddest Night of STAB!

In this, pretty expected episode of the STAB! show, nonplussed host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of glum, including Jeff Brown, Christiana & Nick Pettigrew to share their three STABLUs, pick-up lines to and from Thanksgiving decorations, a toe ring, & the people in the picture of a Junior College course catalog, celebrations of Henry …

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Nov 06

STAB! 362 – A Bucket Of Somethin’

In this rusty, flaky episode of the STAB! show, sloshin’ around host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of chunks and pieces in Willie Travis, Rhoda Ramone & Kameron Schmid to share their three takes on YES, pick-up lines to and from scratch paper, a barn dance, & bottomless $9.95 crab legs, recipes for the perfect …

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