In this bumpy, helpful episode of the STAB! show, plasticy host Jesse Jones welcomes a sexy, adaptive panel of Dayna Bryant, Andy Sarouhan & Nick Pettigrew to share their three PEBKACs, pick-up lines to and from spatial awareness, those bumpy yellow crosswalk curbs, & a countertop compost bin, closing arguments in defense of toll bridges, …
Tag Archive: Andy Sarouhan
Jan 31
STAB! 416 – Seventy-Five Hard Yellow Nipples
Tags: Actions-Speak-Louder-Than-Words-ington, Andy Sarouhan, angry poems, bumpy yellow crosswalk curbs, closing arguments, countertop compost bin, Dayna Bryant, falling out, Happy Hump Day, high fives, Jesse Jones, Nick Pettigrew, PEBKAC, Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Town, pick-up lines, Raging Walters, sammich, spatial awareness, STAB!, steak knives, toll bridges, tourism guides, trophy wives, work shirt
Jan 08
STAB! 381 – A STAB! Family Year End Special, 2023
It’s our favorite time of the year! STAB! Family Year End Blowout ExSTAB!raganza Special time! And this year host Jesse Jones welcomes a jam packed STAB! Theater full of producers and STAB! show favorites including, Paul Doyle, Buddy, Jeff Brown, Ben Warheit, Jordan Quattlebaum, Daniel Kessenich, Jack Marie, Alex Shewmaker, Milk Surface, Dayna Bryant, Eric …
Tags: “Metallic Thursday”, “Son of the Bee-Person”, “The Gorgeous Gnome”, 90s, Alex Shewmaker, amusement park, Andy Sarouhan, animated stories, basset hound, bed and breakfast, Ben Warheit, best friend, Blowout, breakfast cereal, Brett Stults, Buddy, business pitches, cassettes, Cause-and-Effect-ton, Chan-Mas, Chillax-achusetts, Cory Barringer, crate, crisis and trauma, Daniel Kessenich, dating profile, Dayna Bryant, duct tape, Eric Barger, ExSTAB!raganza, fairy tales, family, fast food, Fort Business, Frankie Lord, Jack Marie, Jaclyn Weiand, Jeff Brown, Jesse Jones, Jordan Quattlebaum, Kameron Schmid, Katy Grant, kidney stone, Kim Martel, laundry basket, made-up, Mid Life Crisis, middle school, Milk Surface, Molly Doan, movies, napkins, Nick Pettigrew, oil painting, Paul Doyle, pick-up lines, R&B, recovery center, romantic comedy, sauce packets, saw, shred, SMART, STAB!, synopsis, tax season, tourism guide, transformation, tuxedo, Tyler Kinney, Willie Travis, Year End
Oct 19
STAB! 348 – A STAB! Family Year End Special, 2022
It’s STAB!’s traditional Year End Blowout edition of the STAB! how again, and really, honest to goodness appreciative host Jesse Jones welcomes another room full of STAB! show producers including Jason Whitesel, Ben Rice, Katy Grant, CharRon Resolution, Stephen Ferris, Alex Shewmaker, Andy Sarouhan, Kameron Schmid, Pete Abeyta, Spenser Sellens, Willie Travis, Michelle Petro, Henry …
Tags: Alex Shewmaker, ancient art of mimicry, Andy Sarouhan, Artie Valenzuela, B-Movies, Bakersfield, Ben Rice, beverages, Buddy-burgh, Burning Man, business pitches, CA, CharRon Resolution, Cory Barringer, couplet, Daniel Kessenich, deodorant, drugs, FAHK, goin’ anywhere, Henry Pullin, iPod, Jaclyn Weiand, jam, Jason Whitesel, Jesse Jones, Jesse Rivera, Kameron Schmid, Katy Grant, Melony Ford, Michelle Petro, Milk Surface, Nicole Eichenberg, Peachy Keens, Pete Abeyta, pick-up lines, playlists, purple beacon, Rate My Professors, recipes, reviews, Rolling Stone, Second Bananas, Spenser Sellens, STAB!, STAB!’s, Stephen Ferris, Stretched-too-thinia, The Beam, The Rug Doctor, TikToktopia, tourism guide, Travelocity, upstanding values, Willie Travis, wrestling fan, Year End Blowout