Tag Archive: synopsis

Apr 29

STAB! 382 – Building Skin Tolerance

In this super tough episode of the STAB! show, bubbling host Jesse Jones welcomes weirdly specifically toned guests Marco Cabodi, Steven Boyd & Eric Barger to share their three takes on OASIS, pick-up lines to and from an old issue of the TV Guide, a microwave spaghetti stained and blistered piece of tupperware, & face …

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Jan 08

STAB! 381 – A STAB! Family Year End Special, 2023

It’s our favorite time of the year! STAB! Family Year End Blowout ExSTAB!raganza Special time! And this year host Jesse Jones welcomes a jam packed STAB! Theater full of producers and STAB! show favorites including, Paul Doyle, Buddy, Jeff Brown, Ben Warheit, Jordan Quattlebaum, Daniel Kessenich, Jack Marie, Alex Shewmaker, Milk Surface, Dayna Bryant, Eric …

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Nov 03

STAB! 361 – Catsup the Ketchup Clown vs. Ghost Tooth

In this spookily creepy episode of the STAB! show, undead molar and host Jesse Jones welcomes a tangy panel of Cory Barringer, Jack Marie & Molly Doan share their three takes on VKC, nine haiku about the Entertainment Industry strikes, restaurants themed around Strictly Vegan, you know, more or less, a teenager’s idea of fancy, …

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Oct 29

STAB! 358 – Rick’s Girlfriend Is Too Young

In this kinda judgy but not wrong episode of the STAB! show, real questionable host Jesse Jones welcomes a fresh faced panel of Seth Rubin, Brett Stults, & Jaclyn Weiand to share their three AWOLs, nine haiku about the most important happenings in the four months we were on break, breakfast cereals themed around Black …

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Oct 21

STAB! 350 – Listen to Your Wives!

In this real, real cool episode of the STAB! show, your leather jacket wearing host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of grill daddies in Bridget Murray, Imin Love & Eric Barger to share their three takes on MAME, pick-up lines to or from (douchebag) vertigo, elementary school science fair projects, & an electric fireplace, craigslist …

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Oct 13

STAB! 342 – Please Be Open To What I’m Into

In this VERY open minded episode of the STAB! show, surprisingly deviant host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of slime mops in Kim Martel, Kameron Schmid, & Jack Brown to share their three MLBs, nine superstition haiku, restaurants themed around a wake, a nine year old’s dream of being grown up, & Platinum Corral, dating …

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Oct 08

STAB! 337 – Hoot Hoot!

In this fever dream of an episode of the STAB! show, delirious host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of figments of his own imagination including Sean Crandall, Jeff Brown & Jaclyn Weiand to share their three CDRAWs, nine haiku about Halloween and Election Day, campaign speeches for a jar of hard candy sticks running for …

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Jul 11

STAB! 324 – Pass Doodie in the Nudie

In this all live, all nude episode of the STAB! show, your shameless host Jesse Jones welcomes a warm ankled panel of Aubrey Zevallos, Madie Nishimi, & Milk Surface to share their three CRESTs, pick-up lines to and from rompers, Target, & osteoporosis, recipes for toxic fandom, someone who over accessorizes the exterior of their …

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Jul 08

STAB! 322 – Woo! So Much Blood

Alright! Yeah! In this super vibed episode of the STAB! show, viscous host Jesse Jones (Woo!) welcomes a panel of crimson boys Kameron Schmid, Stephen Ferris, & Dylan Thomas Fox to share their three takes on CSA, nine pieces from the bathroom walls of the world of Looney Tunes, craigslist ads for buckets of blood, …

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Feb 28

STAB! 318 – Just Scoop It Out With Your Hand

In this ooey, gooey episode of the STAB! show, your sticky host Jesse Jones welcomes two protein packed guests Ben Feldman and Melony Ford to share with us all their two GVRDs, pick-up lines to or from Crocs, and Unions, campaign speeches from a box of old greeting cards running for mayor of a storage …

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