In this exasperated episode of the STAB! show, defeated host Jesse Jones welcomes a panel of real troopers, Aubrey Zevallos, Ben Warheit & Jack Marie to share their three takes on FIAP, nine “2am After The Bars Close” break room bulletin board items, celebrations of Harvard University, Snoop Dogg, the Sydney Opera House, Pie Geelen, …
Tag Archive: Aubrey Zevallos
Oct 27
STAB! 356 – Long Live President Fency
In this well protected episode of the STAB! show, powerful and revered host Jesse Jones welcomes a beloved and feared panel of Jason Whitesel & Aubrey Zevallos to share their two OPDs, pick-up lines to or from a zoo, & a water feature, campaign speeches from a bottle of white out retiring from the desk …
Jul 31
STAB! 329 – Oops, All Whites!
In this apologetic episode of the STAB! show, pale host Jesse Jones welcomes the SUPER diverse panel of Rhoda Ramone, Aubrey Zevallos & Molly Doan to share their three takes on HLCO, bootlegs of Little Rascals, War of the Worlds, & Citizen Kane, closing arguments in defense of New Country, Drought & someone who gives …
Jul 11
STAB! 324 – Pass Doodie in the Nudie
In this all live, all nude episode of the STAB! show, your shameless host Jesse Jones welcomes a warm ankled panel of Aubrey Zevallos, Madie Nishimi, & Milk Surface to share their three CRESTs, pick-up lines to and from rompers, Target, & osteoporosis, recipes for toxic fandom, someone who over accessorizes the exterior of their …