Woosh! Zoom! Sparkle sparkle! In this dazzling display of an episode of the STAB! show, video toaster and host Jesse Jones welcomes a true rainbow comet tail of panelists Willie Travis, Michelle Petro & David Coleman to share with you their three NRMAs, bootleg knockoffs of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, American Gladiators, & Disney +, closing arguments in defense of lumpy mashed potatoes and runny gravy, our new alien overlords, & taxation without representation, dating profiles for a 90’s Wendy’s Employee training video, a Russian nesting doll, & condescension, and rundowns of new Fall TV programs “Handiman Reversal”, “Carol Unchained”, & “The Next Ultimate Cleaner”.
Jan 19
STAB! 274 – Star Swipe
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Tags: “Carol Unchained”, “Handiman Reversal”, “The Next Ultimate Cleaner”, alien overlords, American Gladiators, bootleg, closing arguments, condescension, dating profile, David Coleman, Disney, Fall TV, Jesse Jones, lumpy mashed potatoes, Michelle Petro, NRMA, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, rundowns, runny gravy, Russian nesting doll, STAB!, taxation without representation, training video, Wendy’s, Willie Travis