John Ross hosts this crunchy, evocative episode of STAB! at Joey Avery, Torio Van Grol and Jesse Jones while they discuss topic prompts about Christopher Columbus, Godzilla, Japanese Culture Day, Dolph Lundgren, highwayman John Austin, Roseanne Barr, a trio of LGBTQIAs, a nonagon of workplace beheading Haiku, vows to assholes “the guy who always makes everything a competition”, roid rage & daylight savings time and erotic poems about murder suicide, the Taco Bell menu and hard candy.
Nov 16
STAB! 051 – Taco Bell Poem for STAB! Podcast
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Tags: assholes, Christopher Columbus, competition, culture, daylight savings, Dolph Lundgren, erotic, Godzilla, Haiku, hard candy, highwayman, Japan, Jesse Jones, Joey Avery, John Austin, John Ross, LGBTQIA, murder, poem, roid rage, Roseanne Barr, STAB!, suicide, Taco Bell, time, Torio Van Grol, vows