

Aug 10

STAB! 085 – Double Face

What is offensive? Pretty much anything can be offensive to someone. Is it more offensive to offend or to try to avoid offending entirely? Am I even saying anything anymore? That’s an offensive question!

STAB! host and host of STAB! John Ross politely welcomes funny people Alfonso Portela, Kaseem Bentley and Jesse Jones to talk about STAB! things, things like Forest Whitaker, duck billed platypi, Confederate train accidents, Twitter, the Chowchilla bus kidnapping, Ty Cobb, the Top Fifteen Google searches of Bernie Sanders, three different takes on OBAMA, the synopsis for made-up movies, “Just Boil It”, “Kissing ‘Em Gently”, & “The City Kitty Gang”, and erotic poems about Maps, The Pacific Northwest, & New Car Smell.

There, that wasn’t so bad, was it? Oh, it was? And attempting to minimize its badness has hurt your feelings? Well of course it did.

STAB! 085 - Double Face

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