

Aug 17

STAB! 086 – You Don’t Wear Flip Flops in the Tenderloin

Never wear mittens to a tractor pull. Try not to use a ten speed in a bank heist. Always never don’t wear a suit of armor to a bris.

STAB!’s John Ross spake at DJ Real, Lendy West and Jesse Jones who returned in kind, on such subjects as Sue the T-Rex, DOS 1.0, the last Quagga, Del the Funky Homosapien, the $1 minimum wage, Ralph Boston, three different RIOs, fifteen Mom Google searches, the Dating Profiles of a Glass of Juice, an 11 Year Old Dog, and Christmas Time, & Erotic Poems about the invention of the wheel, pregnancy tests, and how to clean a home.

If you wrestle a hippo in a tutu, expect it to take it from you. It’s inadvisable to own a blue sock in volcano country. And please, for the love of sky grandpas, don’t wear Crocs to astro-brunch!

STAB! 086 - You Don’t Wear Flip Flops in the Tenderloin

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