For the 100th (ish) time, John Ross STAB!s at guests Edgar Granados, Rhoda Ramone, Stephen Ferris, Danielle Mandella, Ben Rice, Lendy West, Luke Soin, Nick Brunner, Jaclyn Weiand, Daniel Humbarger, Jaime Fernandez, Joe-Joe Louis, Tyler Kinney, Alfonso Portela, and Jesse Jones about such topics as Shannen Doherty, Eugene H Farrar, Mount Vesuvius, Davy Jones, Jane Austen, “American Pie” by Don McLean, four different CXVIIIs, nine NASA extinction level event warning haiku, the dating profiles of an Ovipositor, a Zumba class, a gingerbread man, & a ten dollar bill, and tourism board guides for the towns of Socialjustopia, Camp I-See-Your-Pee-pee, Showty-what-yo-name-is-ing-ton?, and STAB!donia.
Dec 26
STAB! 100 – The Gang’s All Here
RSS Feed
Tags: Alfonso Portela, American Pie, Ben Rice, camp, CXVIII, Daniel Humbarger, Danielle Mandella, dating profile, Davy Jones, Don McLean, Edgar Granados, Eugene H Farrar, extinction level event, gingerbread man, guide, Haiku, Jaclyn Weiand, Jaime Fernandez, Jane Austen, Jesse Jones, Joe-Joe Louis, John Ross, Lendy West, Luke Soin, Mount Vesuvius, NASA, Nick Brunner, ovipositor, pee-pee, poem, poetry, Rhoda Ramone, Shannen Doherty, shorty, Social Justice, STAB!, STAB!donia, Stephen Ferris, ten dollar bill, tourism, Tyler Kinney, what yo name is, Zumba