In this sprawling multiversal episode of the STAB! show, watcher and host Jesse Jones welcomes a crossover panel of Sean Crandall, Dayne Bryant & Eric James Barger I to share their three takes on AADD, pick-up lines to and from a crosswalk button, general relativity, & turkey bologna, celebrations of New Mexico, John Delorean, Joan of Arc, Nancy Kerrigan, Morse code & submarine telephone calls, reviews of things, like a TripAdvisor review of Mega City One, a Car & Driver review of the Human Body, & a Game Informer review of living in Los Angeles, rundowns of Fall TV series, “Professor Thunder”, “Suffering Party”, & “Book Man”!
Jun 22
STAB! 301 – The Derek Douglas Cinematic Universe
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Tags: AADD, Book Man, Car & Driver, celebration, crosswalk button, Dayne Bryant, Eric James Barger I, Fall TV, Game Informer, general relativity, Human Body, Jesse Jones, Joan of Arc, John Delorean, Los Angeles, Mega City One, Morse Code, Nancy Kerrigan, New Mexico, pick-up lines, Professor Thunder, reviews, rundown, Sean Crandall, series, STAB!, submarine, Suffering Party, telephone calls, TripAdvisor, turkey bologna