In this sprawling multiversal episode of the STAB! show, watcher and host Jesse Jones welcomes a crossover panel of Sean Crandall, Dayne Bryant & Eric James Barger I to share their three takes on AADD, pick-up lines to and from a crosswalk button, general relativity, & turkey bologna, celebrations of New Mexico, John Delorean, Joan …
Tag Archive: Nancy Kerrigan
Feb 11
STAB! 066 – Cat Gander
Li’l Mister Tiny Toes. Snuggle Wuggle Boom-Boom. Captain Puddin’. These are just a few friends of mine, and they wanna be your friend to. It’s easy as heck, just a little rub under the chin and you right as rain. STAB! host John Ross herds wiley free spirits Danielle Mandella, Chad Bogard and Jesse Jones …
Mar 15
STAB! 019 – “A Seventeen Syllable Sentence” or “Haiku Dispute”
In this STAB! session, guys named Jesse Fernandez, D.J. Sandhu and Tyler Kinney say at John Ross things about NYC lady smoking, Run DMC, pardoning Canadian draft dodgers, Detlef Schremp, a 4300 kilo coke boat, Christian Dior, Charlie Hebdo’s top Google searches, Oprah’s Ideal Tatas, Rabbit Pope Haiku fury, horrible poems about Nancy Kerrigan, racist …