In this aggressively supportive episode of the STAB! show, head bangin’ dribble boy and host Jesse Jones invites a panel of thrash slop fundamentalists, Jack Marie, Daniel Kessenich & Cory Barringer to share their three SWSKBs, pick-up lines to or from the Downtown Ice Rink, the Old Sacramento Theater of Lights, & Free Downtown Holiday Parking, craigslist postings for Ho-Ho-Ho Lessons, custom Christmas ornaments for your enemies, & a notebook full of new Holiday Tradition ideas, descriptions of new drugs, Brobloxyn, Purple Garys, & 23 Skidoos, and erotic letters to the editors of Yankee: New England’s Magazine, Vogue Knitting International, & Velocity Magazine.
Oct 18
STAB! 346 – Purple Gary, Rip Off The Knob!
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Tags: 23 Skidoos, Brobloxyn, Christmas ornaments, Cory Barringer, craigslist, Daniel Kessenich, Downtown Ice Rink, enemies, erotic, Free Downtown Holiday Parking, Ho-Ho-Ho Lessons, Jack Marie, Jesse Jones, letter to the editor, new drugs, new Holiday Tradition, notebook, Old Sacramento Theater of Lights, pick-up lines, Purple Garys, STAB!, SWSKB, Velocity Magazine, Vogue Knitting International, Yankee: New England’s Magazine