CONSUME! Purchase! BE! In this, available for free shipping if you listen in the next 3 hours and 44 minutes episode of the STAB! show, a three pack of host Jesse Jones welcomes an Amazon Basics panel of Evan Nyarady, Corinne Nelson & Ben Feldman to share their three different FOAFs, nine Prime Day haiku, …
Speaker Archive: Corinne Nelson
Jun 30
STAB! 032 – Hi Bob
In this episode John Ross guides Josh Kinkade, Corinne Nelson and Jesse Jones through discussion of early 90s edutainment software, tromboning baseballist Eddie Edwards and Johnny Carson’s retirement, Pac Manifestos, the many varied ODBs, the Jewtang Clan, Gurls gettin’ it, loud video interruptions, tiny baby Jesus’ imagined top 5 Google searches, a trio of trios …
Jan 20
STAB! 009 – Lady Ladies are the best ladies
Get ready for your minds to be blown as STAB! includes two ladies at once. One’s called Corinne Nelson the other isn’t, she’s Giuliana Gabrielli. Jesse Jones was there too, and John Ross watched. They all say things about womankind, WWII, Monoply, A Bee Gee, ISIS, Barren Wombs, Zumba, Chili and genocide…oh and beheadings…