Now you just hold it right there ya side windin’, lilly livered, no good low down son of a whut now! Ol’ Spittoon Fists is gonna give ya what for with a rappin’ from these here brassy mits-a-mine! In this haymaker throwin’ episode of STAB!, John Morris Ross IV welcomes cow poke Bill Wallis, Jason …
Tag Archive: Alaska
Jan 10
STAB! 115 – Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
The world of internet hilarity is a delicate, sensitive one. Sometimes good humor content takes some effort to find. Some people don’t even believe such a thing exists. But it’s there, you just have to look for it. In this little nubbin of an episode of STAB! …
Oct 19
STAB! 047 – Shoulder Shaft
In this, STAB!’s first trip to Lost Weekend Video in San Francisco California, John Ross welcomed SF locals Kaseem Bentley, Aviva Siegel and Sacramento hanger on Jesse Jones to discuss such topics as Gloc-9, Boston Shoe Unions, Croatian Necktie Day, Indian Murderer: Veerappan, America’s possessioning of Alaska and Puerto Rico, Chuck Berry, the top 15 …